Exhibition News

Hechuan Exhibition and Guangdong Manufacturing Association r

       In order to speed up the transformation and upgrading of Guangdong's manufacturing industry, we will consolidate the R&D and manufacturing of manufacturing infrastructure equipment and advanced manufacturing materials, strengthen Guangdong's manufacturing trade cooperation and international exchanges, and the Guangdong Manufacturing Association will sponsor the “2013 23rd Fluid Exhibition” and “ The 2020 Sixth Composite and Superalloy Exhibition. At the same time, the exhibition held a manufacturing summit forum to organize member companies to participate in the exhibition.


       Founded in 2013, Guangdong Manufacturing Association is an independent legal entity registered according to law. It is a non-profit organization that serves the purpose of service, innovation, development and win-win. It is committed to promoting the development of Guangdong's manufacturing industry and conscientiously implements it. The State and Guangdong Province support the development of the principles and policies of the manufacturing industry, strive to play a role as a bridge between the government and manufacturing enterprises, and actively serve the general members in the aspects of market, information, technology, investment, management, business and international cooperation. To help the development of the province's manufacturing industry. The association has more than 500 corporate members.


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