Industry News

Jiangsu Valve Industry Development Exchange Conference was s

In the early autumn of August, the season of high altitude and light fragrance, on August 9th, Jiangsu Valve Industry Association held the Jiangsu Valve Industry Industry Development Exchange Conference in Zhenjiang Country Garden Phoenix Town Hotel. More than 180 people from the Jiangsu Valve Association gathered together to listen to the valve industry leaders and well-known industry experts in-depth analysis and analysis of the valve industry, the industry development discussion and analysis, wonderful lectures, the development of the copolymer valve industry.

The meeting was hosted by Jiangsu Valve Industry Association and co-organized by Jiangsu Weidewei Valve Industry Co., Ltd. The meeting was first held at the opening ceremony. The Secretary of Jiangsu Valve Industry Association, Mr. Sheng Genlin, presided over the meeting and introduced the guests. He said "This exchange meeting is based on the annual work plan of the association, and aims to better guide the healthy growth of member companies in the development of the valve industry in the recent development of the valve industry, enhance the cohesiveness of the association, and improve the development level of the valve industry. Since the announcement of the association, everyone has signed up and exceeded our expectations. Today we are concentrated here, together with the gathering, exchanges and exchanges, and there will be gains and help in the development of the industry."


Then, the exchange meeting began. In the morning agenda, the keynote speaker was delivered by Director Li Yanxia of the Quality Working Department of China Machinery Industry Federation. “The economic operation is generally stable, and the industry development is steadily advanced—the economic operation situation of the machinery industry in the first half of 2019”. Development and operation of the machinery industry, as well as some new policy interpretations of the machinery industry (valve manufacturing industry); Huang Mingya, deputy chief engineer of Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, gave a lecture on "The development trend of valve industry standards"; Professor Yu Xinhai from East China University of Science and Technology gave a lecture on "Smart Valves". "Key Technologies and Applications", for the implementation of intelligent wisdom in the valve industry to discuss some suggestions; Suzhou New Zealand Valve Co., Ltd. Chief Engineer Cheng Xuelai, "Innovation Driven Quality First - Promote the Development of Valve Industry" combined with the actual development of the industry pointed out some practical The problem is raised, and the valve industry faces opportunities and challenges and future development trends, and future development proposals for the industry;
In the afternoon, all the participants visited the manufacturing site of Jiangsu Weidewei Valve Industry Co., Ltd. by bus. This company mainly produces HVAC ball valves. In recent years, it has implemented the technology innovation development strategy, and the production and sales are prosperous, and the company has also developed steadily.




After visiting Jiangsu Weidiwei Valve Industry Co., Ltd., the conference was held.
Wang Yong, deputy general manager of Asmi Technical Inspection (Beijing) Co., Ltd., special inspection of China Special Inspection Institute, lectured on the revision of the new TS certification, and member companies better adapted to the new version of the implementation; mechanical industrial pump and special valve engineering center Director of the doctoral supervisor, Li Shuxun, gave a lecture on "Basic and Standards of Material Mechanics and Elasticity in Valve Strength Design"; Director Yin Weiping of R&D Department of Yangzhou Electric Power Equipment Repairing Co., Ltd. gave a lecture on "Development Status and Trend Analysis of Electric Actuators", mainly analyzing the electric execution of valves. The status quo of the development of the institution and the future development trend.
During the day's exchanges, the conference leaders and experts gave a wonderful speech and industry specific analysis. The leaders and representatives of the conference took advantage of the weekend time. Everyone calmed down and listened carefully. They benefited a lot. We believe that our valve industry is healthy this year. In the first half of the year, the production and sales of the first half of the year still increased. However, the valve industry has encountered many problems in the near future. Especially the most obvious is the homogenization of the valve industry and the fierce competition among the peers. The national environmental protection, safety, fire protection and other implementation management, the enterprise is difficult to work; it forces the enterprise to take the road of intelligent development. At the same time, Sino-US trade frictions, foreign trade volume decline and many other problems have emerged. This year, there is a new trend of polarization in the industry. Some large enterprises have more orders, and some small and medium-sized enterprises are not optimistic about production and sales and the market may be quality. the elements of. At the meeting, relevant industry leaders and senior experts discussed these practical issues and pointed out some new development directions for the industry. In particular, the development of the valve industry and the development trend of the valve industry standards, technology and electrical equipment industry have made everyone gain a lot, understand the industry, and also indicate the development direction for everyone.




Despite the strong typhoon on the day of the meeting, it caused certain difficulties for everyone to travel. Leaders and experts, they came to the venue in advance from Beijing, Lanzhou, Shanghai, Hefei and other places. A lot of member companies' main leaders and senior executives also reported to the conference one day in advance. Some of them came to the meeting on the same day, which reflected that all member companies sincerely supported the association, and they also had a kind of cohesiveness. They all wanted to have a study and exchange, better in the industry. Do a good job. After everyone's hard work and hard work, this meeting has been a complete success!
                                                                                                                                                                       (Photo/Jiangsu Valve Association Secretariat)


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