
Stand Tpye Price Facilities
Raw space
USD 300/ sqm Stand location close to the entrance/exit or main corridor, exhibitors bear the cost of booth construction
Luxury booth
USD 380/ sqm 4 meters aluminum door heads, door head printing, exhibition lintel printing, 2 LED spotlights each 3 meters
18 sqm( 3 open sides or 2 open sides), 2 information counters(one more/ 9sqm),2 round tables(one more/ 9sqm), 6 chairs(two more/9sqm),4 spotlights(two more/9sqm),1 3A electric socket(500W non-lighting electricity), 2 dustbins
Standard booth
(3 m*3m)
Shell booth with corner:
USD 3000/ 9sqm
Shell booth with one side open:
USD 2700/ 9sqm
1 information counter
2 chairs
3 walls
1 dustbin
1/2 banner (green lettering on white background)
2 spotlights(40W)
1 electric socket(220V and 500W)